Edublogs & James Farmer

James Farmer

Edublogs is a blogging platform for teachers, school districts, educational leaders and students around the globe.  It provides a host site that allows users to create custom blog platforms that suit the needs of the user.

James Farmer is the Founder and CEO of Edublogs, the company is based out of Melbourne, Australia.  While lecturing at the Deakin University in Education Design, Farmer had many side projects that worked alongside teachers and educators, providing assistance and a host site for blogs.  Farmer purchased the domain name in 2005, and since then Edublogs has transformed into one of the worlds largest and most trusted provider for educational blogging.

Edublogs is based in Australia, but similar to its global user group, the company’s employee group is also global.  Edublogs is very proud to provide a staff team that consists only the best-of-the-best in the technological and educational fields.

Edublogs is similar in appearance to many other blog platforms available.  What separates Edublogs from other blogging platforms and why it is appealing to educators and teachers alike is that Edublogs is safe, reliable, student friendly, rich with features, and customizable.  Teachers understand how powerful blogging can be in the classroom. It is a way to engage students (and their parents) in the learning, and open-up the classroom for users around the globe to see.

Edublogs is a great idea and concept, and what does separate them from the other players in the blogging game is that it focuses on the individuals in education.  Although Edublogs has been deemed the largest and most trusted educational platform, there is one American company that has began to take hold of the education blogging platform as well.  Maybe it’s time for North of 60 to get involved in the game!

Posted in: Week 04: Entrepreneur Bootcamp